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Paola Protti

24 March 2017

Alumni Coordinator and Fundraising Officer, UWC Costa Rica

Paola is a UWC Costa Rica graduate - a member of the pioneer class of 2006-2008. She earned her BA from Westminster College (United States) with a major in Biochemistry and a minor in Leadership Studies. As an undergraduate, she was very active in her student leadership through several positions in the Student Government including SGA President, and a Resident Assistant for freshmen dormitories. In May of 2012 she became the first Fellow of Intercultural Engagement at Westminster where she supported minority students while creating multicultural leadership and diversity programming. In May 2015 she received her Masters of Education in Higher Education with emphasis on Student Affairs Leadership from the University of Missouri – Columbia (United States).

Paola is now back at UWC Costa Rica serving as the Alumni Coordinator and Fundraising Officer. She leads the College's alumni programmes and works towards UWC Costa Rica’s strategic plan in the UWC 4 Life committee. She is from Costa Rica and has a dual Costa Rica and Italian citizenship.


“When I think about my fondest memories they always take me back to my time at UWC Costa Rica! UWC taught me that learning happens everywhere, kindling my passion for extracurricular learning which ultimately led me to get my Masters of Education in Student Affairs Leadership. I believe we are all responsible to promote, inspire, and nurture global citizens who are lifelong learners. I love working with my fellow alumni to create and strengthen avenues for us to continue living the UWC mission well beyond our graduation through the UWC 4 Life initiative."